If I had to pick the most unique and fresh game on the platform, I'd have to go with the Gohon series.

It's a game about the struggles of a son, Nami, who meets the wrong girl and makes her suffer, but if you put aside the story, it's a very novel game that involves rolling clumps into large clumps of various sizes to create stars.

It's a game that fits the phrase "Your beginning is small, but your end is huge~" very well, and it's a strange pleasure to watch the prince glue everything together as soon as it's big enough.

I think it's a very unconventional game where one idea changes the game of fun, and I'm very fortunate that both 1,2 are both Koreanized

If I had to pick the most unique and fresh game on the platform, I'd have to go with the Gohon serie…
  • chenm@chenm·2d


    • norong@nolong·Mar 27

      콜 렉
