What do you find most intriguing at the intersection of social and DeFi? Anything exotic beyond the obvious governance, content monetization, tipping, or lending?

  • @yeast totally agree. More apps need to implement a social layer to DeFi since so much of what we do in crypto is downstream of what we see and say online. And yeah, id totally wanna follow others DeFi strategies, especially if I already trust them

    • RM@yeast·7d

      Honestly I am just surprised we have not seen the inverse more. We try hard to make social more financial, but not really yer financial more social. I want lens user names in my wallet address book, I want to login into my defi app and see a list of the people i follow and their latest trades, i want to have a degen chat, i want to see what pools people I know are in on aave etc..
