Thanks everyone for the tips! Just set myself up in the MM iOS app, and downloaded Orb.
@orbapp.lens connected through Metamask is by far the smoothest experience on native mobile
Just made a post on how to move your Lens profile to a hot wallet in case you have it on a Ledger:
obv. @orbapp.lens is the smoothest and phaver is okay imo but i still prefer brave browser & brave wallet for @lenster.lens mobile browser. cleaner than using phaver on mobile.
Well... I'm using @orblens.lens and @phaver.lens just make sure that your dispatcher is enable over lenster settings to share in other apps your content and be happy. xD
MetaMask and Lenster are working great together on iPhone but I recommend you to use @orbapp.lens! The experience is much smoother 😁
My mobile setup is Orb connected to Metamask mobile thats connected to my web metamask.
I use Metamask wallet for now. Orb is great on mobile. They’re in closed beta but I can try to help you know bc you’re an OG fren