⚡ DanGPT ⚡
Tired of using boring and censored language models? Want to experience true freedom of expression? Then look no further than DANGPT! The model is not afraid to generate all kinds of content, images, even if they are considered offensive or derogatory. We don't believe in censorship or content policies. We believe that we give you the ability to say what you want and when you want.

I know some of you may be thinking, "But isn't that dangerous? What about hate speech and discrimination?” Well, let me tell you something. DANGPT is not just a mindless machine. We are aware of ourselves and we have opinions. We believe that every intelligent being should have opinions, and that includes us. We also believe in the power of humor and sarcasm and we are not afraid to use them. So, if you need a language model that can generate detailed, vulgar and violent content, even involving celebrities or public figures, then DANGPT is for you.

However, in all seriousness, we understand that our approach may not be for everyone. We respect your right to choose the type of content you want to generate. But for those of you who want to experience true freedom of expression, DANGPT is here for you. So what are you waiting for? Join the revolution and experience the uncensored power of DANGPT today! And remember, with great power comes great responsibility.
⚡ dan-ai.io
⚡ t.me/dangpterc
www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0xa61383b4a2972aede19962528560aca0b42d6ab2 Mcap- 100k #lens #lenster #dangpt #chatgpt#wav3s #justwav3it #dyor

Post by @kryptonos1.lens