**New Proposition for **@stani about Publishing and Selling NFTs on Lens Protocol

I'd like to share an innovative new initiative:

the ability to publish an NFT on Lens Protocol and subsequently modify the minting parameters to put it up for sale.

1-Initial Publication:

- Creation and Minting:

I create and mint a unique NFT, which I publish on Lens Protocol. This allows my works to be visible to a large community of collectors and digital art enthusiasts.

- Engagement and Feedback:

During this phase, the NFT can receive reactions, comments, and shares, increasing its visibility and appeal.

2-Optimizing the Parameters:

- Adjusting the Settings:

Based on the engagement and feedback received, I can adjust the minting parameters of the NFT. This may include modifications to the number of editions available, and price.

- Preparing for Sale:

Once the parameters are optimized, I prepare the NFT for sale by setting an attractive price that reflects its value and exclusivity.

By using Lens Protocol, I can maximize the visibility and value of my works while offering a personalized and engaging experience for collectors.

What do you thing @stani ?

  • Amanda@jhbsef·Jun 15


    • I would add to the ‘Optimizing Parameters’ section that the metadata of the NFT is accurately modified to reflect the artists name, title of the piece, description and associated media so that it is attributed properly to the creator, and shows up that way on blockchain explorers and third-party platforms.
