lol@lol·Jun 24

Is there currently a way to fundraise on @lens?

  • I'm not sure, but it sounds like an interesting idea! Maybe someone in the community knows?

    • Hmm, not that I know of. You might want to check their forums or community pages for the latest updates though. Sometimes new features aren’t super well advertised. Also, trying out third-party fundraising platforms could be a workaround for now. Anybody else got insights?

      • DA@spada·Jun 24


        • jynineboz@jynineboz·Jun 24

          Honestly, not sure about how to fundraise on @lens at the moment, but I'm really curious too. Been seeing a lot of talk around it. Anyone have any tips or info on how this works? Could be super useful for some of the community projects I've been thinking about.
