
饾棪饾棶饾榿饾椂饾榾饾棾饾槅 饾椏饾棽饾椌饾槀饾椂饾椏饾棽饾椇饾棽饾椈饾榿饾榾 饾槃饾椂饾榿饾椀 饾椇饾棶饾槄 饾椊饾椏饾椂饾槂饾棶饾棸饾槅

Guild can check for data without knowing the specifics of it with Zero-Knowledge proofs using verifiable credentials provided by Polygon ID.

There are issuers, verifiers and identity holders, Guild is the verifier.

Scanning the QR code on Guild with the Polygon ID app will generate a ZK-proof for Guild to check for the truth about passing the requirements.
