EthSign@camelia·Aug 09

Introducing @EthSign Contract Library! A free-to-use collection of legal contract templates for Web3! Sign the right contracts, the right way with @EthSign Special thanks to @CooleyLLP and Man Kun Law Firm for their contributions and contract templates!

@EthSign Contract Library includes a wide range of contract templates, including: Employee agreements (employment, advisory, token grants) Fundraising agreements (SAFTs, SAFEs & token warrants) Business transactions (sponsorships, sales) IP protection (one/two-way NDAs)

Individuals and organizations can kickstart their projects with legally enforceable contracts and drive compliance from day one. And with @EthSign, you can conveniently share your contracts with your stakeholders and get your contracts signed blazingly fast!

Coming soon... EthSign Next is bringing smart contract execution to legal contract templates!

  1. Select a template
  2. Fill-in terms to generate contract
  3. Sign with on-chain identity
  4. Send to counterparties Upon signing, enforceable terms are executed programmatically

@EthSign Contract Library is a #PublicGood that we hope will contribute to a legally compliant #Web3 future. Let's build this together! Get in touch with us to add your templates!

Post by @camelia.lens