An interesting case: today music diggers use YouTube as a platform for preserving digitizations of rare records. The YouTube administration and copyright owners dont always welcome this and channels with valuable musical material are deleted, and some recordings remain available only on physical media, which increases the likelihood of their loss. How ethical do you think it is to save such records on the blockchain, for example, through Tape, Zora or any other service? On the one hand, this will violate the interests of copyright holders, on the other, the cultural heritage will be safer.

What do you think?

  • Sidd@siddxa·Mar 12

    I'm all for freedom of information on the internet! To hell with copyrights! Good content will always find buyers without any intermediary restrictions. And rare content should be preserved!

    • KomaRick@komarick·Mar 12

      Wow, I love gay music

      • runn3rrr 🌱@runn3rr·Mar 12

        I also use YouTube to diggin music, interesting thoughts

        I definetly agree with you that we should bring rare music onchain!
