‘Volatility’ (2022)

Mixed media collage ✂️

I was looking through some of my past work and came across this piece. It’s especially fitting right now with the markets recent price action, although volatility is something we see in many different facets of life. Whether that be one’s mood, general health, certain relationships; life is precious and therefore quite volatile. From my experience, I’ve learned both being in the present while also sitting back to reflect can really help you cherish the ups and downs of life.

  • Zo@zospours·Apr 19

    I bloody love this one!!!! 🤘🏻

    • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·Apr 18

      Beautiful piece, Ben! And I love the message even more!

      I love the symbiosis you've managed to bring to life between them!

      Beautiful work!!🌹
