1. They made us lock the token on staking pool
    With high rewards.

  2. They said that they will buyback $Social with the advertising profits.

  3. But they were continuously depositing the token on centralized exchange, $Social price is going down.

Please unlock my token first. I was stupid.

  • @tael23·17d

    Si when will you leave?
    We will not miss you

    • sometimes you like a clown, but i believe you, nothing to hope $social, hope you dont a traitor who belongs to a phaver team

      • You are nothing but a liar. Anyone that listens to you will end up being deceived. I can bet my left Ballz you won't sell shit. Clown 🤡

        • IKRobin@ikrobin·18d

          Yes, you are stupid. You took longer to discover yourself. 🙃🙃🙃

          • @vish7i·18d

            If dump happen on staking unlock day highly chances are team dump 130 million $Social token transferred on 2day ago in different exchanges and they blamed on staker. Same things they did on tge they dump token (community and treasure and market maker) and blamed on farmers now they blamed on staker

            • Belgica@belgica·19d