Josh@wagmi·Dec 18

Elon seems unstable to me. Changing his mind left right and centre, changing core principles in minutes probably with no other view but his. Free speech has already been hurt a few times, even more so now that you can not even post links which is not in Elon/twitters best interest.

This isn’t about free speech for everyone, this is about if Elon doesn’t agree with you then it’s wrong and it’s getting banned/deleted, look at twitter spaces. This is Dictatorship at the highest level blurred by bringing people he thinks should not be blocked back into the platform.

Elon may tomorrow say posts 1 year old have to be deleted due to storage space with no say from the owners of the tweets.

It’s the best time in 10 years to make that move to something you own and grow your social graph for the last time. Bring the power in your own hands.

  • a2945116@a2945116·Apr 12

    We have Lens

    • AmirSniff@sniff_a·Mar 15


      • @celebee·Dec 20


        • trammels@02422·Dec 20


          • Nice

            • We have Lens

              • Glad we have lenster 🙂

                • Moved on from Twitter a long time ago!! He’s not a free speech supporter ! He’s a fascist just like the rest of them

                  • ​​☺️

                    • Idaf@idgaf·Dec 20


                      • while i agree with your last sentence the most of everything you said, i will say i think elon is doing an incredibly mixed bag of good and bad decisions

                        the good: exposing the lies and deceit of pre-Elon twitter. The Twitter Files are exposing the ugly underlying centralized mess and bias of social media we knew was happening

                        the bad: doing his own version of these bad centralized decisions like the links, the crazy off-the-cuff polls (though i do find them interesting), etc.

                        the nuance: at least he is transparent about his decision making. We may not like the decisions he is making but at least we know WHO is making them and HOW they are being made (aka he just makes it up). this is a net improvement from pre-Elon twitter where we would be lied to and misled about "policies" that were not actually or fairly enforced

                        • i never make comment on anyone, but Twitter is Elon's playground now, u wanna "play" there, u follow the rules, its just simple as that
                          otherwise we can always choose another social media, no hard feelings from me

                          • 0xadams@0xadams·Dec 19

                            Well said 👏

                            • Lou 🔵@44664·Dec 18

                              don't want to embellish but this feels like a "not your keys not your crypto" moment for social media. Web3 social was already gaining steam but I expect this to accelerate

                              • cryptoph@cryptoph·Dec 18

                                xxl facts. so glad I made the switch to lense. so glad I was smart enough to reserve my user name when the initial whitelist happened. grateful af.

                                • Stani@stani·Dec 18

                                  I think he is trying to change twitter into some sort of entertainment/news platform

                                  • Sad the guys is becoming a megalo lol

                                    • No plan. No strategy. These are just random tactics.

                                      He is saying one thing on a day and the complete opposite the day after. As I was writing in a comment to the Vitalik post, he cares only about the outcome but doesn't care about how he will achieve it. People should stop having this vision of him like he knows how to do it, so we should not evaluate his actions.

                                      Given this unpredictable fuzzy management, spending time on Twitter could make no sense in the long term.

                                      • Exactly to the point. This was always the concern with big centralized social media platforms; user generated data never belonged to the user (nor their accounts, for that matter). But no one ever considered there might actually be a time when your content and community could suddenly vanish b/c the company decided you violated terms, or whatever other lame reason they invent.

                                        • GRAMS@grams·Dec 18

                                          I was hoping when I clicked ... there would be mention of dictator behavior. Which goes right in line with his handlers of autocratic rule. Dangerous. Suspect. Don't trust him. The bird is cooked.

                                          • Nezzar@nezzar·Dec 18

                                            The future of freedom of speech 😅

                                            Comment by @nezzar