Josh@wagmi·Aug 31

With AI allowing unexperienced people starting creating tools = more bugs - AI on big project is known to make a ton of mistakes = more hacks. I guess right now AI is targetting a lot of the UI work and if it does build a backend it is building very trival CRUD backends so hacks are less likely but once AI tries to build more complex backend systems I can see some critical errors being made. Even more risk with smart contract development.

I guess security auditors will become even more demanded and sort after with the wave of AI. "written by AI, audited by humans" - unless we see it the other way around or even "written by AI, audited by AI".. going to be an interesting 5 years!

Personally for me I see AI as turning yourself into a superhuman programmer; if you have deep knowledge of programming and now you got this buddy who can help you with instant feedback loop you can be 10x faster and in turn 10x more impactful. I probably see the future as companies having smaller engineering teams, senior engineers with AI tooling removing the need for junior or graduate engineers to even be part of the businesses.

The best programmers adapt and make these tools enhance you, the worse get left behind due to pride of "I don't need AI to help me".

In terms of designers I wonder where figma AI will take them, as design is very much about taste if you can program the AI to know your taste will it be able to design you incredible designs? Who knows whatever the case its going to be fun to be around for this crazy shift.

  • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·Sep 01

    hmmm lets say we have an AI that builds cars, who do you think will create better cars? people that knows about cars using the AI to build them, or people who has no idea of cars using the AI to build them?

    • Ruthless@ruthless·Sep 01

      Absolutely agree with you. To me AI feels like pair programming. It helps create boilerplate and prototypes much faster if you already know how to code.

      But I’m not sure if people with 0 coding knowledge would be able to deploy functioning and production-ready applications. Especially because the AI a lots of times presents false results confidently and even insist on it being correct. So I don’t think it’s able to completely „carry“ a bad coder at the moment.

      In an ideal world it would help everyone to code better 🤣🤞🏻

      • crypto-z@crypto-z·Aug 31

        Replace “engineering” by “writers” “filmmakers” “illustrator” “accountants” “doctors” “editors” “lawyers” “ceo” “cmo” “therapist” “coach” “executive assistant” … [you favorite day job]

        still works
