Josh@wagmi·Jul 19

Do you feel on Lens, it’s hard to find new people? Do you think some of the app experiences lacks discovery? I would love to hear people’s views

  • vikas⚡@vikascrunch·Jul 19

    i scrolled orb for 5 min and couldn't find a one single good post , its all just bunch of twitter post copy pasta or ai generated pics 🤦 . i feel lack of content here for sure , it would be better if lens Start inviting big ct pages and youtubers and other good content creators .

    • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·Jul 19

      Somehow the opposite

      Being bery careful with the people you follow secures a good interaction feed

      • I'm new here and it's hard to find fellow 3D artists/animators.

        • Jo$iah@datartist·Jul 19

          @lensprotocol.lens needs to work towards making our feed align with our interests and contents we engage with. It would help us discover new people and content.

          • AlicΞ@punkess·Jul 19

            I guess … it depends ;-) People I follow add very interesting people to my feed. But it takes a good setup of people to follow (initially) and some discipline to maintain the following graph + and that’s probably the most challenging part, it requires spending a lot of time on lens.

            what’s “missing” imo: 1️⃣ some form of onboarding process - ideally embedded in the mint profile process. Some profiles people can start with to follow. Some actions, some events maybe, … first steps. (I hope the invites help -> having a first lensfren from the beginning.)

            2️⃣ content related recommendations. I guess that’s the harder part - 1 because of the number active users and 2 because it’s a difficult problem :-) but I think some app / integration supporting people actively finding people with similar interests would really improve the discovery experience a lot. @diversehq.lens and @orbapp.lens communities and @buttrfly.lens and @inlens.lens lists - and @datetime.lens of course ;-) help.

            • completely agree with @huugo.lens I wonder if the experience of people who are new to Lens is completely different. and it's odd that the core of people I follow and interact with are using @buttrfly.lens so I'm wondering if the client has an influence on the people or if it attracts a certain kind of users.

              • On the one hand this is true, mainly related to specific interests. But on the other hand, the way Lens presents comments from who you follow as part of the timeline (although it can be a bit confusing at times :), it is often a very interesting way to discover new people and the most interesting thing is that the discovery comes with some context.

                • Wolf@jwolf·Jul 19

                  feel u

                  • Man Pou @manpou·Jul 19

                    I am agree with you man, it is hard to find new people.

                    • huugo@huugo·Jul 19

                      My feed has been filled by many of the same people for quite a long time now. I don’t know if that’s a bad thing, it’s somewhat curated to the type of content I like to engage with. Honestly, I’ve never used the featured lists on orb or Buttrfly to discover new people, but when I see someone i vibe with recommend a new person, I usually follow them.
