Josh@wagmi·Jun 27

What features are the lens apps missing?

  • Ewe@08766·Jul 05

    the text box is just too primitive

    • @ninamueller·Jun 29

      More users..

      • Negotiate@negotiate·Jun 29

        active users

        • Samm@sababa·Jun 28

          How to kinda stuff like how to use the apps

          • tim@timcopeland·Jun 28

            is there a way to auto post on lens platforms using an rss feed?

            • Currently, there are many lags and unfinished optimizations. Public relations (PR) is needed to reach a larger audience and attract more followers.

              • Emoji reactions in DMs would be noice

                • hi@fitmint·Jun 28

                  Open sign ups for everyone.

                  • ways to organize/make lists of people you're following.

                    ability to sort who you're following by quality of their posts ( i think i am following some bots)

                    • huugo@huugo·Jun 28

                      A few thoughts:

                      • “watch” post button to get alerts when people comment on a specific post. When something is interesting and I’d benefit from reading other people answers
                      • better browsing organizion. Replies should not appear before the original comment. The thread is in disarray.
                      • personal choice over tweaking a feed algorithm.
                      • integrate user score/on-chain connections…similar collections, similar i terterest, etc
                      • non-snapshot polls. I do think that would need to at the protocol level first though.
                      • this is not apps but BYO contract for posts. For the apps more direct integration with zora, manifold, etc. mint directly in app or preview with direct link to mint page.
                      • 📌 post ☺️

                        • For each app to have its own/different Lens feed algorithm.

                          • grgw@grgwgrgw·Jun 27

                            not a feature, but Lenster needs more UX polish

                            • Jo$iah@datartist·Jun 27

                              Decentralised Application integration

                              • micheal josiah@mj4jah·Jun 27

                                They should include some Tweeter features

                                • Ryan Fox@ryanfox·Jun 27

                                  Sincerely, almost everything.

                                  Not because devs are lazy but because Lens’ design allows for near infinite possibilities. Every app on Earth, today, can integrate Lens at some level. This is just a format for writing data to a database. Anything you can imagine can be done. And, crucially, not everything in an app has to be in -this- database. Just one feature can be utilizing Lens and we’ll all benefit from it. Spotify could add music NFTs to the catalog and we would all benefit.

                                  The moat Lens has (for now) is Collects. No one else is focusing on this. The competition is focused on figuring out where and how to decentralize.

                                  Building apps and features which use Collects as data in the database is what will bring and retain adoption. If you’re adding to an existing app then changing metrics from Followers to Supporters based on Collects is a great start. Orb and Buttrfly have done a great job highlighting top supporters and collectors but both can go wayyyy further.

                                  The most obvious feature or dedicated app I talk about all the time is Showcases and Gift Boxes. Allow users to create collections and showcases with their Collects (all NFTs). I would love to show off photography and music I’ve collected. I’ve done it many times with onCyber virtual spaces. Would love to do it here as well. I would also love to be able to gift my friends. I should be able to send my friends any NFT at all and have it displayed on their wall. Where this would really take off is in an app that encouraged gift creation too.

                                  Imagine you see your friend’s Showcase of sunset photography. You remember you have collected from someone else a photo that would fit perfectly into your friend’s collection. You should be able to gift it to them easily. Their profile should then show (with their approval) the gifts they’ve received.

                                  Now let’s say you come across @cemal.lens_cetin and he has the perfect sunset photo to send your friend. The app gives you the option to buy: 1/1 original for $400 1/100 poster for $20 1/1000 postcard for $5 1/10,000 stamp for $0.50

                                  You buy a postcard of the photo, find a cute stamp from another artist, and you send it to your friend with a message. It gets displayed on their wall with other gifts they’ve received. “Postcards” is a huge untapped opportunity.

                                  This app is kind of a dumb, simple example. But the point is the app is incentivizing (data) creation, (data) collecting, and (data) sending. Cemal only posted the photo once, the app makes those options available automatically. The app gives users a way to show off what they’ve collected, been gifted, and it lets anyone else create things which can be collected and gifted. Watch any TikTok or IG livestream and the gifting that goes on. Same thing.

                                  NFTs are just data in a database. Build features which create and use data. Sounds easy bc it is. Much of the web3 terminology has led people into thinking this is radically different stuff. It’s not.

                                  • Fries emoji as reaction button

                                    • MOΞ@0xmoe·Jun 27

                                      Open sign ups for everyone.

                                      • Still want "polls" so badly, I think @buttrfly.lens has the spaces covered.

                                        • Carla Monni@cmn__·Jun 27

                                          The equivalent of instagram Stories!

                                          • AungThaung@aungthaung·Jun 27

                                            Live space

                                            • AlicΞ@punkess·Jun 27

                                              that's a fantastic question :-). Unfortunately I don't know. I guess it takes more experiments, approaches "outside the box" - the 2nd wave of lens apps that are beyond what we've already seen in web2. @ryanfox.lens shared a ton of imo interesting ideas for lens apps. I'd love to see a platform / account / ... featuring projects, ideas, concepts created during all the lens hackathons. To make it easier for builders and the lens community to meet and develop ideas further, beta test apps, ... whatever it takes to do the next step.

                                              • J. A. Lleó@jalleo·Jun 27

                                                I would like to save a posted picture locally. And also allow to copy and paste the text of the post. I can do it with Orb and Buttrfly, but it doesn't works with Phaver.

                                                • baoan@chorome·Jun 27

