Robert Kiyosaki, the renowned investor and author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," recently issued a grave warning on July 3 about an impending crash. He predicts this could be the "biggest crash in history," affecting stocks, real estate, commodities, and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin ($BTC).
Kiyosaki's concern stems from his belief that the current financial system is fragile and could face a major collapse. Drawing parallels to historical crises like hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic and Zimbabwe, he underscores the instability of fiat currencies.
Despite his somber outlook, Kiyosaki remains bullish on alternative assets. He advocates for investments in Bitcoin, gold, and silver, predicting substantial gains for patient investors amid market turbulence. Kiyosaki's forecasts are bold, suggesting Bitcoin could soar to $11 million per coin, gold to $14,670 per ounce, and silver to $114 per ounce.