🤯 @PrimordialAA just released details on @LayerZero_Labs 🪂eligibility criteria

👇Detailed breakdown

✳️Eligiblelity 1️⃣Protocol Txn fee will be key parameter for eligibility(doesn't include gas) ✅U need to spend certain min txn fee for eligibility

🤔May be $10(speculation)

🪂More drop for more fee spent 🧢There will be upper cap on rewards 2️⃣Minimum 5 L0 transactions

✳️Sybil filter ✅Sybil users will be removed as per the plan

✳️Txn spam filter ✅Total wallets - 6M ✅50% did less than 5txn ✅Net will be 3M wallets(without sybil filter) 1️⃣All txn with less than null will be counted as 1/5 of normal txn 💱Example - if u did 5 txn of null each,it is counted as 1txn

2️⃣All valueless NFT txn count as 1/5th of normal tnx

✅This will not disqualify merkly or other farming dapp users, but give those txn less weightage

✳️Multipliers ✅Early usage ✅Number of txn ✅Volume ✅Txn hystory (active months) 😉More like Arbitrum points structure during🪂

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