Stani@stani·Jun 26

Careful everyone with phising scams out there! ⚠️

There has been few incidents recently where community members lost their profiles due to a phishing scam on Twitter and its heartbreaking to see folks losing their profile even if they can rebuild the audience, its not the experience we are looking for even on a protocol level. 😞

We build the Lens Protocol to be agnostic to various social networking use-cases and also realized that being able to secure your profile is extremely important for the users. While we have seen some iterations of tools to secure profiles, we introduced a way to add additional security (and make it normie proof) measures for Lens V2 that would mitigate similar attempts.

Since Lens has grown so much in the past year and has an active community, we feel that we need to take action sooner and deploy a solution that helps to secure the profiles on similar scams. Therefore, we are going to release an update that improves significantly the security of the profiles before Lens V2. This is our priority now. ⚡️

Thank you for helping out to point the issues and if anyone has experienced a phising attack or seen one, please DM across Lens.

Rest stay tuned for the update 🌿

  • musicbee@actioncamera·Jul 04

    No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting.

    • @06446·Jul 01

      scam is always around here somewhere.

      • DatHo@mandao·Jun 28

        OMG so dangerous!

        • Alan@nikola_tesla·Jun 28


          • Drogon@05076·Jun 27

            Thank you for addressing this important issue. Much appreciated!

            • nice@ni188806·Jun 27

              Yes, I think so too

              • Phaverotti@jayesh123·Jun 27

                Stay safu

                • Jo$iah@datartist·Jun 27

                  Amazing I feel it's extremely important I can't wait 🥂

                  • Henz@carterwang·Jun 27

                    I love your promptness

                    • FF@23452362·Jun 27

                      I have seen several related posts recently

                      • Bape@0xbape·Jun 27

                        Thanks for the caution

                        • shassi@shassi·Jun 27
                          • Niko@meebitsnfts·Jun 27

                            Responsibility and accountability is the key 👏💚🌿

                            • sid varma@sidvarma·Jun 27

                              Thanks for thinking about safety.

                              • 巅峰@28428·Jun 27

                                Fraud prevention is a very important thing

                                • shekhdi@davidmnsilla·Jun 27

                                  Nice job 👍

                                  • Thanks for warning us!

                                    • Bob Peace@bobpeace·Jun 27

                                      ty for doing this ✌🏼

                                      • Samir@0xsamir·Jun 27

                                        Thank you Ser for the awareness 🌿

                                        • MRB@billym2k·Jun 27

                                          Thanks stani, We all must need this security update

                                          • 🫶🌿

                                            • AungThaung@aungthaung·Jun 26

                                              One Time login for all features in mobile. That means , secure in hardware wallet. I like it ⏫⏫⏫

                                              • Vlad@vzlot·Jun 26

                                                thanks for info

                                                • wow i'm interested to see how you respond to this issue, like you said since it's agnostic and permissionless you can't reclaim the profile for them.. really is more dangerous for people to steal a profile and phish from the "real" account

                                                  • VoogariX@voogarix·Jun 26

                                                    Is there any way to add security key lock to the profile? Even if someone steals the profile, can't use without security key so it becomes useless

                                                    • defifury@defifury·Jun 26

                                                      Thanks for thinking about safety.

                                                      • NONY@nony_kun·Jun 26

                                                        Given the recent surge in scams, I've been nervous about my profile being stolen. I appreciate the security measures and look forward to the update.

                                                        • Harry Kossa@aerokossa·Jun 26

                                                          Screw Twitter. I'm starting to feel that if a project REQUIRES Twitter to do test stuff on or to participate in their quests then that project is probably a scam or a grift. Twitter is a FASCIST NAZI platform. They will not ban you if you create a bot to scam people but they will if you tell that bot to go kill itself and stop scamming people. And when you try to contact a real person at Twitter that like eBay is impossible. I don't trust Twitter and I mo longer trust any web3 platform where Twitter is a Requirement

                                                          • Great. I lost my profile in April sadly. So had to buy a different profile

                                                            • @bluelock·Jun 26

                                                              beware of scams my frnd also lost lens profile

                                                              • Dear @stani.lens I hope you are doing well. It has been more than 10 days since I have had problems with my profile. The profile info disappeared (and the cover image) and it's impossible to load it again (I load it but it doesn't save), there was a whole week in which I couldn't post anything (I got "code 400" as error) but the worst of all is that it's been many days with no response from anyone. I have three tickets sent to Lenster support, posts mentioning it (with tags to lens members) and I only received a total silence. If I don't get answers soon I think I will simply stop being a member of this community. I understand the possible mistakes in a new project as ambitious as this one but the fact that there is no serious contact or support is very disappointing. Hope somebody of the staff can write me at least something... Greetings, José

                                                                • saeid7@saeid7·Jun 26

                                                                  be careful

                                                                  • These scammers don't even have a heart believe me

                                                                    • Biewen@li2w25·Jun 26

                                                                      Yes, safety is the most important

                                                                      • Thanks for taking this on priority! 👏🏽 #safetyfirst

                                                                        • Zo@zospours·Jun 26


                                                                          • pior@dior_·Jun 26

                                                                            This is absolutely amazing! 😄💖✨
