Dune dashboard offer you a user customized way to look at the data, definitely the best !
Defilama is timeless.
I think everything is great From the user friendly Interface to the fact that you can get just any information you need. It's accurate too
Dune analytic is a cool tool too.
Oh + Debank
These are my top 3 rn
I don't know but never been a fan of Nansen.Io 😑
I use Nansen, Arkham for market analysis
Debank for digital asset management
Scanner Defi, Coin tool for risk analysis
@tideprotocol.lens might be something you are looking for
You can track metrics such as CAC, LTV, retention, users’ most used dApps, tokens held, top users & more
It's perfect for better understanding who your users are & how to improve marketing initiatives
Definitely @tideprotocol.lens !!
We developed an analytics suite displaying metrics and data on protocol and wallet levels to optimize Web3/DeFi marketing budgets and activities.
You can check our latest analysis on @pooltogether.lens here:
Dune is my go to, can get most of what you need from there and good documentation / tutorials
TokenTerminal to see fundamentals of projects I follow. Easier to use a tool than dig all the info myself.
Yeah, I'm trying to use Arkham, it's a little bit weird but powerful if users know how to work with it.
Arkham - awesome UI, endless options and looooots of tools. My invite:
Cryptofees.info is my basis of investing. If the protocol generates fees, buy their tokens.
Dune dashboards - simple ui, lots of tutorials, active community
Defi llama - basic
✅ Debank
I use Debank to keep track of other people's onchain activity and Arkham intelligence for the same purpose, but very rarely.
I think that would be the most popular answer.
It's where I look at the volumes on the exchanges. For example, I keep track of the trading volume on Ethereum Integral DEX, which I overinvested in at the time. I just monitor whether it can rise to the top 9 by volume or not. 🤣
I used to use L2beat a lot when I was tracking L2 volumes.
🤌Interest in these kinds of tools has waned now, and I'd rather write another post or comment on Lens than stare at meaningless charts in these tools.
It's much more productive.