Stani@stani·Jan 26

Whats the sentiment on Lens regarding CBDC? Good or bad for crypto?

current landspace:

Post by @stani.lens
  • lol@lol·Jan 27

    I feel as though giving governments the ability to program their own money can cause big trouble for their citizens. They could put expiry dates on coins you earn, forcing you to spend specific CBDC pounds within a certain time limit of earning them in order to better fuel the country’s economy. They also would have better optics over what everyone is doing with their funds as the cash alternative would be out the window, reducing financial privacy

    • Block Bytes@manish·Jan 27

      The current governor of the central bank of India, RBI, hates crypto and wants to ban it so one of the reason he gave for the introduction of CBDC was to "provide a safer alternative to crypto" hoping it would wean people away from it.

      • On my way@khabanh·Jan 27

        personally i dont like it, i dont even know my country ( Viet Nam ) is researching it lol we basically just copy - paste whatever China do, and most of the time our second hand version is way worse than them

        • Ryan Fox@ryanfox·Jan 27

          I think it’s good for crypto. There will be battles and bans and struggles for sure. But when people can actually see and use a CBDC then it’s not a far stretch to understanding how (and why) to use crypto.

          • Bad for everyone other than people in power. All it does is gives them more control/power over people, which will ofc be abused for their own gain.

            • Thumbs Up@thumbsup·Jan 27

              Inevitable. Mostly the same as the current system but with higher potential for authoritarian control. The only way to safely use them will be to buy decentralized stables and other cryptocurrencies

              • They are bad for people. But good for crypto

                • ZELDA@0xzelda·Jan 26

                  Hmmm this is quite good 🤔

                  • Cristiano@cristiano·Jan 26

