What could be a way to support paid collects on mobile apps without getting the Apple rentseeker mad?
Apple just wants a shares of the gas fees, not the value of the NFT. Considering Matic fees are close to zero. Maybe just pay 30% of gas fees?
Just make @lenster.lens & @lenstube.lens as mobile friendly as possible so folks will collect in the mobile browsers 🫶
Zk lens, any way to push through Aztec so they don't know who or what to charge?
Rentseekers will always be mad. You have to the landlord. You can buy ETH with rainbow wallet using Apple Pay, I think that's step 1.
Ask my landlord. He doesn't know a thing about web3 but knows this.
browsers. lol. simply having a web3 wallet on your chrome app on your phone would solve the problem. when you want to collect, redirect to the browser and collect there.
The garden shouldn't bow to Apple. I'd love to see a Aave / Lens mobile device + cold wallet that gives creators the option to transport their social capital off of IOS and Apple. I'd pre-order.
How is venmo classified? A “lensmo” could be a good start, then it’s harder to argue against other apps with the same mechanism