Stani@stani·Oct 02

Is anyone using actively the Twitter Communities?

  • Moderator@moderator·Feb 28

    That's great news! I'm so happy for you!

    • Pinkly@mygarden·Oct 04

      There are very mediocre people. Using it works for me, but it's a toxic experience.

      • Nader Dabit@nader·Oct 04

        Tried it but didn’t really like it except for rare use cases that telegram groups are still actually better for

        • grgw@grgwgrgw·Oct 04

          No one in Discord ever thinks "we should invite the entire world into this server" and I think the same holds true for the reverse direction i.e. shrinking Twitter global scale down to a "community". Incidental and often ephemeral interests/opinions don't reliably translate into enduring collectives. There's much more to it. The Lens social graph primitives, that reveal how users are monetarily supporting artists, definitely narrows the gap though!

          • Hadn’t heard of it either. Thinking of a similar feature??

            • 0𝕏ngmi@ngmisl·Oct 03


              • Arya@aryaaa·Oct 03


                • Ibn Inglor@ibninglor·Oct 03

                  I personally don't like how the communities are open for anyone to view, wish twitter was able to gate it. Overall, I don't find it useful at all. A bit boring and dry.

                  • not ux, but i tried !

                    • Hartel ◱ ◱@hartel·Oct 03

                      The bots are

                      • at first it was interesting, only was part of one community. there was some good discussion but then the creator abandoned it. sad actually. I'm now part of three more communities and I hardly have a look at them. it's always the same problem: time and the countless communication channels to manage.

                        one community is nice and has concrete benefits, though. there are some train enthusiasts who help people finding good and reasonable priced train connections in Europe. say you want to go by train from Berlin to Sicily. if you're not well-versed you won't find good connections and prices on official German, Austrian, and Italian sites

                        • mixtape@mixtape·Oct 03

                          people still use twitter? 👀😮 ngmi. 😉

                          • arturs@arturs·Oct 03

                            Very similar answer to @yoginth.lens . Initially I thought that Communities could replace Discord and make communication with communities more streamlined.

                            • Burak@mediterrenian·Oct 03

                              no, lens is better

                              • Pierre@pastofre·Oct 03

                                Not really and I don’t think no one does. Personally I like having one account for crypto and another one for the rest to have the timeline I want

                                • Graham@0xgraham·Oct 03

                                  What is Twitter Communities? I do use the List Feature though... nice to have different lists focusing on different content.

                                  • Yoginth@yoginth·Oct 03

                                    Hmmm!! I tried to force myself to use it, but boring 😑 same with Twitter circles 🥹

                                    • Cordt@cordt·Oct 03

                                      Didn't even realise there is such a thing
