Now that the Mystic Drop has concluded, we’re excited to enter Phase 2 of Mystic Garden: Growth. Bigger, but still Mystic ⭐.

Over the coming months, we’ll be focusing on enhancing the platform with the following key updates:

🌿 Collectors Interface: We're prioritizing our collectors by developing a dedicated interface where they can easily view their collections. Genesis Collectors will also receive a special badge. Highlighting and celebrating our collectors will be our top priority in the coming weeks.

🌿 Improved Minting Interface: Based on valuable feedback from our Genesis artists, we’re refining the minting process to make creating and showcasing your art even smoother and more intuitive.

🌿 Enhanced Explore Pages: With Mystic Garden handling both Auctions and Buy Now sales, we’ll be improving the organization and presentation of these options, making it easier for you to discover and engage with art.

🌿 Curation & Secondary Sales: These features are under review 👀. We’re exploring the best ways to implement them to benefit both artists and collectors.

While we’re busy enhancing the platform, we encourage dedicated artists interested in becoming verified to apply now: <>

Stay tuned for these exciting updates as we continue to grow and evolve Mystic Garden together! 🌿💫

  • Kiki@artstudio48·Aug 12

    I applied to be verified few days ago…and can’t log into my account now…after I previously created 5 mints and 1 auction 🙏🤞

    • OMG YASSSSS <3 this comes at the perfect time <3 i'm so exciteddddd

      • Jo$iah@datartist·Aug 10

        I just applied. I created a post on your website two days ago but it didn't reflect as a collectable post.

        • Okay I have a challenge, so the app gave me a wallet address but now I can’t seem to be able to back it up also I’m unable to connect it to the mystic garden, how can I be able to do that?

          • LANE@lane1998·Aug 09

            Excited for the new Collectors Interface and enhancements—can’t wait 🌿

            • Congrats! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
