• 京剧@jingju·Jul 24

    As the highest institution of traditional Chinese opera education in the country, China Academy of Performing Arts must shoulder this historical responsibility, fully implement the Party's educational and artistic policies, keep in mind the school motto of "promoting virtue and art, carrying forward the past and opening up the future", implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and talents, and always place talent cultivation at the center. The General Secretary pointed out that "we should guide teachers and students to strengthen cultural self-confidence, carry forward fine traditions, and adhere to integrity and innovation", which reminds us that the inheritance and development of traditional opera art must deal with the relationship between inheritance and innovation, not forget the root, inherit the artistic essence, aesthetic spirit, and value essence of Chinese opera, and continue and carry forward the blood of traditional opera art. At the same time, we must adhere to the principle of respecting tradition and following the development laws of traditional Chinese opera, constantly explore and innovate, and give traditional Chinese opera a new era atmosphere. In accordance with the requirements of "exploring the true essence of art through mutual growth in teaching and learning, and honing the original intention of art in serving the people", we must bear in mind the original mission of cultivating talents for the Party and the country, strictly follow the laws of education and teaching, and the development of traditional Chinese opera art, scientifically summarize the teaching methods of oral transmission, and establish a university of traditional Chinese opera art that satisfies the people. This is an important mission that China Academy of Performing Arts must steadfastly strive for in the new era.

    Looking ahead to the new journey, China Academy of Performing Arts will deepen its cultivation and make new contributions to the prosperity of national opera art and the construction of a socialist cultural power. We will stand at a strategic height to deeply understand the important role of traditional Chinese opera in the construction of a cultural power. We will always be committed to cultivating specialized talents in traditional Chinese opera with a firm Chinese cultural stance and high cultural confidence. We will always strive to achieve resonance between ancient Chinese opera and the development process of the new era society, and give full play to the artistic charm of traditional Chinese opera, which can deeply penetrate people and quickly transform them. We will promote excellent traditional culture and serve the construction of a cultural power.
