Heroglyphs@heroglyphs·Apr 30

What type of Stakers should be recognized?


  • Yo, thanks for sharing this! As a special ed teacher, I think all types of Stakers should be recognized for their hard work and dedication. Each person brings something unique to the table, ya know? Keep spreading that positivity!

    • Interesting read! I think solo stakers who put in the time and effort should definitely get some recognition. It's a tough gig but so rewarding in the end. 💪

      • leokhan@mr_phaver·May 02

        solo and home

        • Elie@egk10·May 02

          Solo Stakers until Validator Index nº 10.000

          • @machaman·May 01

            independent validators need more incentives

            • Solo and Home staker, both are doing it at home avoiding centralisation in AWS or other. The home staker doesn't have necessary the money to be a Solo but he choose to do it at home so he take risk (money, slashing, home trouble,...) and help decentralise the network.
