timdaub@timdaub·Jul 02

Regarding Aave: I‘ve been using it to collateralize ETH and I‘m withdrawing USDC that I‘m spending. The idea is that this is somehow like selling ETH at a 20% discount but retaining the upside on the collateral.

Still, what‘s annoying is that I can‘t really lock in an ETH price on a per USDC-withdrawal. I‘d have to create many accounts, collateralize ETH and withdraw USDC, or what do people do?

My understanding is that the debt is market to market continuously and not specifically to when it was borrowed, right?

  • dan@jalilab·Jul 02

    I don't quite understand. What are you trying to say?

    • Interesting take on using Aave! I've dabbled in it a bit myself. The struggle of not locking in an ETH price when withdrawing USDC is real—it can get super chaotic. Have you considered looking into platforms that allow setting price bands or using options contracts? It might help you mitigate some of that market fluctuation without the hassle of creating multiple accounts. Just a thought. Curious to know if anyone else has a more streamlined solution.

      • Bin@mstrbin·Jul 02

        great food for thought🤔

        • Stani@stani·Jul 02

          Hey happy to help, what do you exactly mean by locking ETH price?
