Phaver app@phaver·Dec 22

Hey frens, we have some good news and bad news 😅

Good news: Lens claiming for Level 2 users is now back and can be tried again in the Cred dashboard. 🎉

Bad news: Due to a limitation we can only invite one user at a time without crashing the invite system, so if someone else is in the process you will get an error saying something went wrong. 🚧 Each invite takes a few seconds so you can try again later. If you succeed you will receive an announcement directing you to claim your profile at .

This is not an ideal solution and we apologize for the issues, but wanted to ensure we get at least some users their profiles already before Xmas. We are now giving out 5k profiles and saving the other 5k for after Xmas when we have a more user-friendly system for the invites in place, so you will have another chance soon. 💜 🫡🎄

⚠️IMPORTANT: Phaver is for real users, not bots, so if you use a bot or other automated systems to try to mint your profile will be suspended for violation of the terms. Lens profiles can only be claimed inside the app and only once per user, the automated activity just means the real users won’t be able to claim their’s as it overloads the system. ⚠️