pointless@pointless·Apr 27

Have you checked the @lens dashboard on @dune?

The paid collects chart by currency looks very interesting... $pointless paid collects accounted for 30-60% in the initial days after it was whitelisted for paid collects.

Image 27-4-2024 at 6.45 pm.jpeg
  • Exoteric@exoteric·Jun 02

    Pointless has been on a surge of activity in attempts to revitalize the token. Every week in May they airdropped large amounts. Each week they tracked different things.

    I’m assuming this will be used to make their tokenomics correct before another hard pump.

    • hotsjf@hotsjf·Apr 27

      why they stop using pointless now?

      • OscarChing@oscarching·Apr 27

        No response when I click "Allow Collect Module".

        • Stani@stani·Apr 27

          I think folks will use also pointless too, I wonder if it would make sense to build a collect module where the collector can choose the currency
