Charles@charlxJul 11

馃毃馃毃 24hrs ago, a phaver Up Nft holder mistakenly accepted a bid of 500 Wmatic valued at $250 against other favorable bids of 1700 matics ( $800).

Advice to Newbies dealing with NFTs Offers.

** Don't accept bid offers from currencies your are not familiar with. ** Always convert your offers to their dollar equivalents before accepting. ** Don't trade when your are feeling sleepy or tired. ( This almost got me ). ** Stay safe. 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍鉂わ笍From phaver fren

  • @ochuksJul 13

    Wahala for crypto mistakes, because most are irreversible.

    • abu@mrspecialJul 12

      May be via bot, picked latest order!

      • crypto nft @000btcJul 11

        Its not a mistake just a transfer to own wallet
