Tools that keep me productive every day

Welcome to a new series on productivity. As part of the Friends Who Write challenge, I'm going to be writing about the way I make my days more productive, from...

  • very cool. i use a PC but the operating systems have all imitated each other so much that the problems that plague one often plague the other. the one i immediately identified with is the "almost maximize" feature you mentioned. the particular reason i could really use this is that I have my desktop hooked up to an absolutely huge flat screen TV that i got for free - someone had posted it to a facebook group created for people to give stuff away that they no longer wanted that also live within X miles of where you live - this person had lost the remote, and besides that had gotten another TV, so they didn't know what to do with it - and since it had an HDMI interface i thought "heyyyyy i wonder if i could use that as a computer monitor." lo and behold, it worked! - with one caveat. maybe half a centimeter of the screen border gets chopped off, which means that when i maximize a window - i can no longer see the window border to let me unmaximize it! i have figured ways around this, but it's a big pain to remember the steps, and / or to blindly move the mouse over to where i think the minimize button resides. i tried all the actual monitor controls as well, mainly by figuring out how to get to them by pressing the side buttons on the screen to eventually figure out how to use the menu system without that remote, which is a nice mental exercise. anyways, luckily the very fact that the screen is so large allows me to make a window large enough for my needs without using that 'maximize' button, but it still takes a bit of time to drag the window to the side and then manually make it as large as i want while still staying within what the TV will display.

    • CD@vagobond·Mar 10

      These seem really useful, I can't wait to try some of them out (I have the macbook already)

      • JD@jdarmstrong·Mar 08

        Nice work. Still haven't looked into Tana. Not being an app yet, I do everything on my phone just about.
        I'm still a fan of lol
