Princess | Lens πŸ‘‘@niqobiteΒ·Dec 07

Gm Frens πŸ™‹πŸ»β™€οΈ

Please does anyone know the best L2 Bridge where I can make a Cross-Chain Swap between Layer2 Networks?

I'm bridging from OP mainnet to Zora Eth to be precised πŸ₯Ή

So here's the full gist:
Yesterday I intended to mint my "Hey Special NFT on ZORA" which would actually cost around $ 6 Eth but I didn't have any funds on ZORA, I haven't used their Network before.

I had only OP Eth in my OKX Wallet, so I decided to bridge from OP to Ethereum Mainnet, then from there I would continue to to finally bridge my Eth to ZORA.

I used $ 20 via Orbiter & lost $ 17 to gas fee 😒
Couldn't accomplish the task and lost funds too, I could have send my OP Eth to Binance then withdraw on Eth mainnet but the fee is quite on a high side too 🫠

Does anyone understand this? How to go about it? So I won't waste funds again today 😰


  • Lensvoice@lensvoiceΒ·Dec 07

    Hello PrincessπŸŽΆπŸ›πŸŒŠπŸ˜Ž we here for the comments!

    • AlicΞ@punkessΒ·Dec 07

      ... and of course you can "bridge" with frens. :-)
      You can ask - on @lensprotocol for example - if someone would accept x ETH OP for x ETH on zora (in your case). Assuming someone agrees and you trust the lens profile - enough for the amount ETH you'd like to bridge - you have a very cheap "social bridge".

      • Wazzzzz @colewurldΒ·Dec 07

        Check Minter.merkly it's very cheap and you can get just gas from one chain to another.
        It is powered by Layerzero.

        • cpoetter@carstenpoetterΒ·Dec 07

          as mentioned by @punkess Orbiter works directly between various L2s.
          another option is

          • AlicΞ@punkessΒ·Dec 07

            gm Princess :-)
            i like a lot. For smaller funds is awesome - tiny fees, but unfortunately not all chains available.

            • Princess Je$$yFries@jessyjeanneΒ·Dec 07

              Maybe @punkess knows
