Explossy@noah123·Dec 04

You have one year to live: how do you spend it?

Time is priceless, frens! Let's imagine you have just one year; what would your plan be?

DALL·E 2023-12-04 18.59.36 - A lively scene centered around a large, beautifully designed clock in a public area. Around the clock, a variety of people of different descents are d.png
  • Mihrican@mihrican·Dec 08

    I would see and explore as many new places in the world as I could

    • Assault@artisticsouls·Dec 05

      I don't know actually but it reminds me the movie "In time"

      • Yuki@yukifren13·Dec 05

        Probably I would understand value of every single seconds and make my life better

        • Duygu724@duygu724·Dec 05

          spending this time with my fam, frens, doing whatever I want

          • Azuka@azuka·Dec 05

            I would make every moment count and focus on living life to the fullest

            • Wazzzzz @colewurld·Dec 05

              I will make sure I enjoy that time with the people I love the most and just do the stuffs that make me happy.

              • probably dying day by day

                • Dennise@dennise·Dec 04

                  A year would probably have gone by anyway, as I thought about how I was going to die

                  • Andy@itsmeandyyy·Dec 04

                    I would spend it here in Lens

                    • That Guy@cryptoo182·Dec 04

                      probably my depression would start from first day
