Both Sides Now

This is an older piece with way too many adjectives. Cut some, left the rest. The problem with trying to "make it" in traditional publishing is that I find...

  • Julia@juliaoprz·Jun 12

    Any inspiration by Joni Mitchell here? I thought maybe because of the title?

    • @anaphant·Mar 08

      I was captivated by the narrative style! Only was slightly confused whose thought were each character's at the beginning. But it speaks to me about how some humans are not contented with their choices and the lives they lead. Not many people take time to analyze their dreams and heart's desires and aspirations, they flow with whatever life throws at them. And it is really sad to miss out the true potential of human existence, of thriving and not wondering if your life is the best you could live. Would love to read further into the story and find out if any of the characters finds a more satisfying way of living. Thanks for sharing! Keep writing on...
