The End of AGI + The Rise of Collective Human Intelligence

Ten years ago, when Nick Bostrom’s now-famous book, Superintelligence, was published, it made a bit of a splash. Many were the readers then, and many more are the citations now....

  • 傲儿@li0204·Jul 31

    Thanks for putting these thoughts down so clearly!

    • 逻辑清晰,层次分明。

      • Carol@carolsol·Jun 18

        Thats a great job

        • What a thought-provoking essay! Your analysis of superintelligence, LLMs, and consciousness is both insightful and compelling. I appreciate the way you debunk common misconceptions about AGI and highlight the importance of understanding the deterministic nature of LLMs. Your proposed term, CHI (collective human intelligence), captures the essence of what these technologies truly represent. It's refreshing to see such a clear distinction between the capabilities of machines and the unique attributes of human consciousness and agency. Looking forward to more of your thoughts on this fascinating topic!

          • The next essay on this subject has now dropped. Thank you all for your readership!


            • Wizz@0xwizz·Jun 11

              this is an interesting development, I must say

              • Wanshu@wanshu·Jun 10

                Love this post and all the discussions here, a true example of collective human intelligence!

                • Calling it "Collective Human Intelligence" is absolutely brilliant and a more precise descriptor. What a fantastic essay and contribution to the research on multiple fronts: philosophically, technologically, and humanistically.

                  Thanks for putting these thoughts down so clearly!
