**Some tips for emerging artists and beginning Web3 explorers: **

  1. Connect and interact with as many people as possible. Building quality relationships is key.
  2. Learn from others. Each experience is an opportunity for growth.
  3. Be yourself. People want to get to know the real you, not a persona you’ve created.
  4. Build meaningful relationships. Don’t just sell yourself or your vibe; create strong connections both professionally and personally.
  5. Dont give up. Consistency is crucial. The journey is as important as the destination.
  6. Remember: Not everything has to be perfect. Evolution is part of the creative process.
  7. Document your process if you wish. Share your evolution in a way that feels right to you, without pressure.
  8. Dont settle for the first job that comes your way if it doesnt feel right. There will always be more and better opportunities.
  9. Feedback and collaborations are essential for growth. Take advantage of opportunities to learn from others and work together.
  10. Connect with new people along your journey. Each new connection can lead to new opportunities.
  11. Dont overwhelm yourself. Move at your own pace and dont put too much pressure on yourself.
  12. Collaborate, but dont work for free. Value your time and efforts.
  13. Organization is key. Set schedules for creating, learning, and personal time.
  14. Protect your copyright. Make sure your work is legally safeguarded.
  15. Stay active but take breaks. Balance work with rest to maintain long-term productivity.
  16. Patience and perseverance. Good things dont always come quickly.
  17. Diversify your creation methods. Explore animations, audio, interactive art, and other new techniques.
  18. Learn the basics of Web3 and blockchain. Understanding these technologies will help you make more informed decisions about your art.
  19. Participate in online events and exhibitions. Both virtual and physical events are great ways to showcase your work.
  20. Communication and transparency are key. Being open with your audience can build stronger connections.
  21. Reassess your works on marketplaces. If a piece isnt gaining traction, consider removing it and relaunching with a new strategy.
  22. Create your personal brand. Maintain a consistent visual style and tone across social media while staying true to yourself.
  23. Push your limits. Always challenge yourself and seek ways to improve.
  24. Dont be afraid. Showcase your art and yourself. Boldness can lead to new opportunities.
  25. Promote your work on different platforms. Increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.
  26. Participate in art spaces. Engage in opportunities to display and discuss your work.
  27. Experiment with limited editions and themed collections. Add value and appeal to your pieces.
  28. Build a narrative around your art. Create stories and contexts that enhance the appeal of your work.
  29. Feedback is valuable. It can provide important insights into what your audience is looking for and help you improve.
  30. Remember to rest. Avoid burnout by balancing work with downtime.
  31. Follow your own path. Its okay not to conform to others’ expectations.
  32. Dont fear experimenting with different styles and techniques.
  33. Use social media management tools. Scheduling posts helps you stay organized and frees up time for other tasks.
  34. Keep your portfolio updated. Make sure it reflects your latest work and projects.
  35. Backup all your digital work. Protect your creations with backups in the cloud or external drives.

these are some of the things I have been learning during this time, there are more to come but if not it would take too long

And I dont know, if you can think of more, please include them!<3