Kay@kayakiko·/ai·Apr 06

Happy Saturday✨

One prompt, two AI pieces🌸
The first is from Midjourney, the second if from @galverse MamaAI💕(check the post on @orb to see both images)

🌸7days only
🌸88.88 BONSAI split with Galverse
🌸8% referral reward

After a week of horrible weather it is finally a beautiful weekend in Tokyo to enjoy the Sakura🌸 A few leaves emerging here and there, but flowers are looking amazing!

Interested in the prompt? Head to the token gated MamaAI channel on the Galverse discord to find out✨Anyone with a Gal can use Mama to create art similar to @ayaka_ohira%E2%80%99s style💫

  • Jarvis_labs@jarvissan·Apr 12

    Midjourny too real now its scary

    • andyi@fsdfweq·Apr 08


      • These are beautiful 😍

        • Metasuyo@metasuyo·Apr 08

          This looks amazing!

          How good is the model with consistent characters? Could you show us that same gal from MamaAI in another situation?

          That would be even crazier!

          • AHMAD KHAN@fanisos·Apr 07


            • Daniel@defidaniel·Apr 06

              Wait. Both are AI?!?! 👀

              • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·Apr 06

                Love this, Kaya!!! I am obsessed with the gaze of the first one! And the tattoos! And Sakura!! Ahh, I love every single thing about it! ( I feel like she is posied to become my new wallpaper haha )

                Would love to collect, but apparently I can’t!!

                Tagging @nilesh to see if he can advise me on what the error might be (I have Matic in my wallet - 2-3 if the issue may be the fees)

                Beautiful work, Kaya! As always!🌹
