BONS AI magazine
issue @skincare : @chloee 

To celebrate the birth of the Skin Care Club, we are publishing a square special edition cover!

I will issue 5 covers for 5 different mods in 5 different issues !*°:⋆ₓₒ╰(◡‿◡✿╰)
I haven't met you yet, except for KAY, but I've had a great time trying to imagine the beauty freak girls and typing up prompts and trial and error.

1 @mp : orb.club/p/0x01c737-0x04b0
2 @jessyjeanne : orb.club/p/0x01c737-0x04b5

Thanks for collecting, 1 and 2 are still in stock, but the end of sale time is approaching!

3 @chloee :
4 @kayakiko :
5 @asamisscream :

✦ 10 editions
✦ 333 $BONSAI
✦ 3days
✦ issue 01 (Sold Out)
✦ 01 sold out cover 1 (In stock)
✦ 01 sold out cover 2 (In stock)
✦ issue 02: (Sold Out)