Linea@linea·Jul 06

We launched Linea Voyage 9 weeks ago with the ambitious goal of stress testing Linea and preparing it for mainnet. The response and participation from builders worldwide have surpassed all our expectations.

At Linea, we're proud to be the first zkEVM to achieve such an overwhelming response from the community. The Linea Voyage isn't solely about stress testing the network; it's about scaling and growing Ethereum as a whole.

As a record number of builders have chosen to join us on this incredible journey, we've encountered some challenges along the way. With your help, we've learned and improved the network every step of the Voyage.

Linea is the outcome of four years of extensive research and development. Your valuable insights and feedback are key to continuing our mission of scaling Ethereum.

We also invite dapps to join the growing Linea ecosystem. With fast finality, capital-efficient bridging, Ethereum-level security, and full EVM equivalence, it enables seamless development and usage. Also, Linea’s deep integration with MetaMask and other popular Consensys developer tools amplifies its adoption, providing an established user base for dapps.

To our fellow builders, we understand that some of you may not have reached your destination in the voyage. Don't worry, the journey doesn't end here! As our name ‘Linea’ (Latin word for “line”) symbolizes, we will continue making progress to discover endless web3 possibilities.

Stay tuned for what's coming!