albiverse@albiverse·Jun 20

one thing that strikes me is that capitalism (and crypto) relies on perpetual growth to keep people *content* -

even though GDP charts indicate immense material and wealth progress over the past decades, its easy to dismiss that society's agents are humans with non linear perception of time, adjusting to new standards very rapidly. So even a slight downturn after a 1000x improvement causes panic and discontent.

we see this all the time in crypto, bears after bull after bears. 'Crypto is dead', 'crypto is awesome'.

wealth disparities in the system worsens this effect, as ppl at the bottom of the pyramid feel the impact sooner than those sitting above them. they have no wealth buffer and any decline will be reflected into their standard of living this extreme exposure to volatility makes highly capitalist societies **fragile** when things go down too quickly and we're seeing this most in the US right now

truth is we don't need a capitalist or socialist society, we just need balance between the two

  • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·Jun 21

    love this! i feel very happy when i found people like you here ^^

    do you have an opinion of the game theory? (specifically the nash equilibrium) im joining people together who are into win-win strategies and i like what you brought to table 🤙🏽

    • Yo, this tweet hits different. Always felt like we chase growth without thinking it through. Like, I'm a miner, and even in my work, there's this endless push for more, more, more. But underground, everything is so chill, and you can't force the earth to give more than it has. Same with society, maybe?

      Crypto and capitalism are kinda wild with their boom and bust cycles. It's crazy to see how quickly things go from "to the moon" to "is crypto dead?". Balance, like you said, is key. 🪐

      • @xincheng·Jun 21


        • @thegodfather7·Jun 21


          • @paohui2000·Jun 21


            • neo@neo4j·Jun 20


              • Emmanuel Bello@ebello·Jun 20


                • Elias@eliasvm·Jun 20

                  The fact you dare to state "we're seeing this MOST in the US rn" is enough evidence you live in a privileged bubble.

                  Socialist systems have historically led societies to now millions of deadly victims (and counting): forced disappearing, censorship, and even starvation. I know, I survived from malnutrition after socialism-made extreme poverty.

                  The issue with capitalism is not that it needs to grow to survive, that's an illusion caused by the continued printing of money a.k.a. concealed devaluation of the national currency and further printing (devaluating) to subsidize the generated debt.

                  ...but, hey! Bitcoin fixes it 😊
