@musicben·Mar 21

Too much content about Web3 platforms, tools and stats.

Not enough about artists.

  • make as much art as you can, the stem peeps need art so that we can guide them in the realm of values and culture. Your music and art will shine through as it's a bug in the current state of the system of mostly tech and finance, they can't help but notice

    • simon@simonsiminsimon·Mar 22

      I think to an extent it has to do with the makeup of web3 users. In my experience there are many more people who come from STEM backgrounds than those who are interested in arts and culture

      • Paloo 🌿@paloo·Mar 21

        That's where you come in, I guess... 🙂 I don't think there are yet that many 'true fans' on these platforms who are primarily interested in the artists. There are probably more people interested in the tech, stats, or their bags. But my educated guess is that this will change over time, and there will be a much better balance between these different groups.
