Every experience, emotion, triumph, and failure we experience weaves together to create the fabric of who we are today, in the present moment. It's natural to carry pieces of it. Sometimes it feels like a well-worn coat that grows more comfortable over time.

But the question that has been on my mind for some time, and the one that prompted me to write today's reflection, is:

What happens when the coat becomes too heavy? When the weight of old mistakes, missed opportunities, or painful memories begins to define not just who we are or what we do today, but who we believe we're capable of becoming or doing tomorrow?

“The Weight of Yesterday🌹” is my exploration of how the shadows of our past can loom large, often steering the course of our lives without us even realizing it. We allow our memories, both painful and rejoicing, to weave themselves into our identity, sometimes at the expense of our potential

I invite you to engage with this reflection with an open heart and a curious mind

At the end of it, I encourage you to take a moment to pause and contemplate the intricate dance between who you are today and who you were yesterday

Remember, while the past will always be part of our story, must it define the chapters yet to be written?

🔗 Link Below! Enjoy!🌹


  • @monodyo·Oct 10

    God works

    • @yepphy·Oct 10


      • @heybu·Oct 10

        What's the fuss?

        • The past is in the past 🖤 50 $00

          • 0Kelvin@91811·Oct 10

            "The choice is yours". Love it! 🙏. Awesome write up 👍

            • GRAMS@grams·Oct 10

              “What happens when the coat becomes too heavy? When the weight of old mistakes, missed opportunities, or painful memories begins to define not just who we are or what we do today, but who we believe we're capable of becoming or doing tomorrow?”

              a well planned, enlightening lsd trip or psilocybin microdose schedule was my answer 🙃 literally a distinct before and after point in my life that let me shed a ton of the past. for example, been experiencing things lately like seeing exes get married and have babies, that would’ve bothered me FOR SURE before, but doesn’t even phase me now and i’m able to actually feel happiness for them.

              • lxxx17@xxx17·Oct 10

