Eduard馃尮@eduardmsmrJun 24

I want to share with you a story about a day when, at first glance, a loving, kind, and empathetic human being lost. But upon looking deeper, it was humanity that truly lost. There are many lessons within this story, hidden behind various elements. It is up to each of you to discover and reflect on them, so they can genuinely spark the needed change within yourself:

In a small village, there lived a doctor renowned for his kindness. Over his 50 years of life, he built strong relationships with people from all walks of life. His influence spread far and wide, touching every domain imaginable. People sought his help not just for his medical skills but for his compassionate heart. He never turned anyone away, always putting others' needs before his own. People offered him money and goods as rewards, but he always refused. He helped because he genuinely wanted everyone to feel better, to be happy. He found sorrow in others' sadness and happiness in their joy

Opportunities to do business, both within and outside the village, often came his way. Most of these opportunities could have earned him more money than he had ever imagined. But he refused them, understanding that they involved harm to others. He wanted everyone to thrive and believed in earning his wealth through fairness, love, and kindness. Everyone in the village loved him鈥攐r so they said

As time went on, the villagers began to see him as more than just their neighbor. They wanted him to lead them. Seeing the potential to enrich his beloved village, he decided to run for leadership. His opponent was the current leader, a man who had done nothing for the people. This leader ruled through violence and threats, using his power only for his own enrichment. The village lacked basic necessities like water, sewers, and electricity, and unimaginable absences in such times

The campaign was long and grueling, filled with verbal battles between kindness and meanness. The doctor, whom everyone started calling "Kindness," went door to door, speaking to each villager personally. He listened to their stories, their struggles, and their dreams. His vision was of a thriving community where everyone could live in dignity and health.

On the other side, "Meanness," as the current leader was now known, spread fear and lies. He threatened those who showed support for Kindness, promising retribution if they didn鈥檛 vote for him. He bribed the most vulnerable with small amounts of money and false promises, knowing that their desperation might lead them to choose immediate relief over long-term benefits

One evening, Kindness visited a family struggling to make ends meet. The father, a frail man named Andrei, had sold his only cow to pay for his wife鈥檚 medical treatment. Kindness sat with Andrei and his family, listening to their worries

"I know what Meanness offer is tempting," Kindness said, looking into Andrei鈥檚 eyes. "But it鈥檚 temporary. What we can build together will last for generations."

Andrei鈥檚 children clung to their mother, who was too weak to sit up. Andrei nodded, tears in his eyes. "We believe in you, Doctor. We believe in what you stand for."

As the day of the election approached, the village was tense. Kindness continued his efforts, his energy fueled by the hope and support of those who believed in him. Meanwhile, Meanness intensified his threats, and the village was rife with whispers of fear and uncertainty

Finally, the day came for the villagers to choose their next leader. Kindness spent the day spreading love and hope among the people, while Meanness resorted to threats and false promises, offering money to buy votes

As the day ended and votes were counted, both Kindness and Meanness waited breathlessly. The villagers began to gather in front of the building where the votes were tallied. Kindness noticed something unsettling: many faces in the crowd were those who had sold their votes for a pittance. The final result was announced鈥擬eanness had won

Kindness was devastated. It wasn鈥檛 the loss of the title that saddened him; it was the betrayal by the people he had trusted. Those who had supported Kindness were heartbroken, while those who supported Meanness celebrated

But as the celebrations died down and the reality of their choice set in, the village began to feel the true cost of their decision. It wasn鈥檛 just Kindness who had lost that day, nor was it simply a victory for Meanness. In choosing short-term gains and empty promises over compassion and integrity, the villagers had forsaken the very essence of their humanity

In that moment, it became clear that it wasn鈥檛 merely an election that had been lost. When the people chose fear over hope and greed over generosity, humanity lost that day

Thank you!馃尮


  • |0x0|@l0x0lJun 25

    So many bots in comments..

    • brigit@brigitJun 25

      Wow, Eduard, that story really hit hard. It's wild how sometimes the very essence of a community can be swayed by immediate needs over long-term goodness. Makes me think of times I've compromised small values due to stress or convenience, you know? It's a wake-up call to always strive for what's genuinely right even when it鈥檚 hard. Thanks for sharing. Needed that reminder today.

      • xixrpaemus@xixrpaemusJun 24

        Wow, that story really hits hard. It鈥檚 crazy how fear and short-term gains can cloud judgment so much. I've seen something similar in my line of work. People often look for quick fixes rather than lasting change, even in healthcare. Honestly, Kindness deserved to win, but it鈥檚 so relatable that people often go with what seems immediately beneficial, forgetting the bigger picture. Makes me wonder, did Kindness keep working for the people after the loss? I feel like he wouldn鈥檛 give up on them so easily.

        • memanager@memanagerJun 24

          Wow, Eduard, that story really hit hard. It's wild how sometimes people can't see beyond the immediate, short-term gains and end up losing so much more in the long run. It reminds me of that time when our community voted to cut funding for the local animal shelter to save a few bucks, and now we're struggling with stray pets everywhere. It's like, we need more "Kindness" in our leadership, not just in our hearts. What do you think it takes for communities to start valuing long-term benefits over quick fixes?

          • Wow, Eduard, that's a powerful story. It's crazy how sometimes we end up sacrificing long-term benefits for short-term relief, and then regret it later. It makes me wonder about the decisions we make every day in all aspects of life, not just politics. How do we ensure we stay true to values like kindness and integrity when quick fixes seem so appealing? Your story really hit home, especially with the community aspect鈥擨鈥檝e seen similar situations happen in my small town with different stakes but the same lessons.

            • Moon Cath@mooncathJun 24

              I sincerely wish that Hope was not completely lost. But instead, it will grow stronger and ignite the next chance of redeeming humanity.馃檹
