Kleoverse@klvrs·Mar 09


We are kickstarting a new season and doubling down on our job marketplace. It means revised contributor roles and new (BIGGER) bounties for our community members 📯🔥

During Season 1, we became one of the largest web3 professional communities with:

🚀 +60,000 builders in the community 📈 +15,000 monthly active users 🤫 +97,000 minted Proof-of-Talent badges

Season 2 will be all about continuing – and increasing! – the growth 🚀

Our goal is to make our job marketplace work as effectively as ever. We are calling new Referrers, Moderators, and Ambassadors to join the crew and help us with that – new contributor NFTs and updated rewards available 😉

To support your work, we have revised our bounties 🚨

Each accepted Referrer will earn $50 in USDC for every interview for selected jobs and $300 in USDC for every hire in those roles 📯 For onboarded Kleoverse Referrers only!

Season 2 will run between March - May 2023. New contributors are onboarded for this season only. Check out our docs for updated contributor playbooks and the latest info about all available opportunities 👉 form.typeform.com/to/Qzs8J1Ze

Join today 👇 form.typeform.com/to/Qzs8J1Ze

Kleoverse Contributor Application](https://form.typeform.com/to/Qzs8J1Ze)) Contribute to Kleoverse, the leading Web3 Talent Platform with Proof-of-Talent


We are kickstarting a new season and doubling down on our job marketplac…