1st week of Nights & Weekends is over!🤯

we successfully conquered the 1st week of Nights & Weekends! 🤩

this is the second vlog of the n&w journey📽and this week was all about:

➡deciding what to build, ➡learning how to effectively communicate our idea to our potential customers, ➡creating a banger one liner slide and make it public on social media ➡record a 60 sec demo of our v1 ➡checking out other people's ideas on twitter and providing valuable feedback

✨here you'll find my 60 sec demo: www.loom.com/share/31c2a7c34d9e46e4be541b4f3acac8e1 and my product: sustainabilityhub.xyz/english

✨here you'll find @carllippert ' s 60 sec demo: www.loom.com/share/9965d896a1664ea38ba0428cd9380576 and his product: www.tryanything.xyz

if you have feebdack, just get in touch frend! 🤓

we'll start iterating our v1 this week!