🤔 This is the difference in engagement I get when I spend 2 minutes preparing a post vs 2 hours.

I guess no one wants videos? My posts were made at roughly the same time.

I will think about this for a while and maybe change my strategy. What do you think? What am I missing?


  • I just noticed this post, sorry about that.

    I've been thinking the same thing for a while now. The things I design don't get any attention anymore. And like you said, the things I prepare in minutes get attention. I don't care about that anymore. I just move fast and step aside 🍻

    • Rxm@caram·20d

      People I guess don’t read long posts or watch videos that much. For videos to get the attention we will need insta like scroll feature

      • Kriepto@kriepto·20d

        And don't forget, frens, that it doesn't always have to be about the points. For years, I posted daily on Facebook about web3 and NFTs without being rewarded for it. Getting about ten likes was already great. I'm not competing for points; I don't care about them. I have enough to reach 110K SOCIAL, and that's fine with me. And I don't spend 2 hours on a post either. I get up, read the news on Phaver, and my contribution just comes to me. Most of the work is usually editing the accompanying photo. Sometimes it's great, sometimes it's average. Every post I make is truly myself; I'm not trying to score. Football posts never really score, but that's who I am, and that's more important than points. I really love Phaver; just be yourself. Amen. 🙂

        • You are missing that their desire to postpone tge harmed the consistency of creators that cannot superpost and less frens using the app because they probably think the tge might not occur as they are used to all these projects promises and what is really given.

          • maonx@maonx·21d

            Every post you share is very valuable to me. I find your videos very helpful and enjoy watching them. I am sure there are many like me, but when it comes to engagement, it really doesn't matter what you share on this platform to get engagement. What matters is whether you have expensive NFTs and whether you are L5 or not. I enjoy spending time on this platform, but I think there are too many issues that need to be fixed.

            • Videos are always gets less engagement relatively to remarkable images. I think video Play button seems too old and is not attractive for users. Maybe auto play like instagram might work, otherwise users just rushing to phave top accounts and scroll down

              • Hi! I really liked your question and I've noticed the same pattern with my own posts. I do digital art and sometimes upload drawing process videos. Surprisingly, I often get the same level of engagement for these time-intensive art pieces as I do for a quick photo post that takes just a moment to create.

                My takeaway is that, in most cases, it might not be worth investing too much time into content creation. Even though your videos are fantastic and very informative, they may not be the most time-effective approach for you. The key seems to be consistency and posting something eye-catching, regardless of the effort behind it. (or if you have a big following- it also helps)

                That said, I don’t want to discourage you from making videos if that’s your passion and niche. By all means, keep doing what you love. Just be aware that some people achieve higher engagement with much less effort, if engagement is what you are looking for.

                • I like the video

                  • I agree with @gunterman i used to post super post but after engagement has drastically decreased I realized Im getting same points if I use 500 or 50 to post. I hope its just a phase and we will see better days.

                    • Good morning friend 🤩😍😎 Let's keep phavering 🥳🥳🥳

                      • Thanks Papatoshi! I'm in it for the long-haul, but with kids and a full time job, those two hours are hard to come by. I'll probably be prioritizing shorter posts while saving the videos for weeks when I have an abundance of time (🤣) BTW, Have you seen a big decrease in phaves by switching to 50 point posts?

                        • I have also recently made adjustments. I was principally ‘super posting’ in order to pick up new followers, but that has slowed to a crawl. So, I am prioritizing profit over exposure and am just doing 50-point posts.

                          • Kryptobi@incentives·Aug 30

                            You don't get it 😂 People just phaver profiles with verified tick or creator tick. The higher the level of these profiles the more phaves they receive, it doesn't matter what they post 🤷

                            • Kryptobi@incentives·Aug 30

                              You don't get it 😂 People just phaver any profile with verified tick or creator badge, the higher the level of these profiles, the more people phaver them 🤷
