Despite what happened today with a 100k jpg selling, I have zero reasons to tell my friends to use Orb even though the most money I’ve made in my life has been through a referral campaign. You don’t know this, but I’m the reason ALL of you have used this other app that I growth hacked.

If you can’t use use your currency in case of an emergency, then Orb is absolutely broken.

Clubs are cool and I get it, business fees that’s cool 😎

Not your keys not your crypto.

Not your keys not your crypto.

Repeat after me, not your keys not your crypto.

So why would I literally tell my friends to waste their time? 👁️

I was too busy making art to realize this.

  • Gavin#0x013cee·May 06

    all of you?

    Nah bro not me.

    You can't talk for me.

    I been here while you was in nappies.

    • Ruthless@ruthless·May 05

      how many friends do you have that would be potential orb users?

      • GMI Frens@gmifrens·May 03

        No reason for Orb to require another wallet in between the one we're already using the the collect wallet. Sorry you experienced this but Hey, we're learning together.

        • Kipto | Orb@kipto·May 02

          Hey @infinati what do you mean? All the money you make go to the profile owner which for some user is email which is a multisig, for your case it looks it goes to your regular wallet.
