Jean Ayala@jeanayala·May 03

🚨 Personal post alert, includes depression, suicide, and drug abuse, not advisable for sensitive individuals 🚨

As many of you know, I am an autistic person, highly capable with quite complicated alexithymia; my emotions are asynchronous, I'm basically a robot, but not just any robot—I'm Bender from Futurama.

In autistic individuals, it's common to go through three very painful phases: burnout, meltdown, and shutdown, three words that might sound cool but are actually hell on earth. I've been in autistic burnout for so long that it seems normal to me, and every week I experience a meltdown that leaves my brain in complete shutdown for days, sometimes weeks.

I have people who love me and, fortunately, I can afford the help I need, but that doesn't stop my mind from thinking about ending it all every time I wake up, nor does it stop writing and expressing myself from costing me two nuclear reactors' worth of energy, nor does it prevent me from abusing alcohol out of fear of a meltdown or becoming dysregulated and hurting someone.

I wanted to share this very personal thing with you because the truth is, thanks to you and your support, I can manage all this much better. Your public and private messages of support, your memes and sincere posts, thank you for being who you are and embracing your quirks, thank you for helping without knowing this autistic otaku of Evangelion ^^

There is still much to build, and we are free to do it OUR way 💪🏽

There is still much internal chaos to embrace 🔥👺

There are still many pamphlets to distribute...🤫

  • carmonpa1@carmonpa1·May 04

    Fueza Jean!
    100 $BRAINIACS

    • lets conquer the mfr chaos broski!!! love💥

      • tldr but 100 $ 00

        • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·May 03

          Sorry to hear this, Jean!

          What I want you to know is that you are loved and cherished. Regardless of how tough times may be, you can always reach out to us, as we will do our best to provide the comfort that you need!

          I am proud of you, Jean! I admire your strength and resilience!

          You are one of the people I resonate with the most, whose mind I cherish!

          If you ever need to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out! We can connect in the DMs or even have a video call. I would be more than happy and honored to chat with you!

          Wishing you all the best, man! You are loved and cherished, not just by me, but by many!🌹

          • Todd Pham@toddpham·May 03


            • Bro sorry to hear that.

              I’m here for you and my Dms always open for good souls.

              If you wanna chat or have 1 (only one) virtual beer you know how to reach me.

              Sending much love your way ❤️

              • Sheeban@sheeban·May 03

                Thank you for sharing Jean 💗
                (Let's become heralds of Cringe and Pamphlets 🤫)

                • Haku@xohaku·May 03

                  Jean, u have support here; Im here for every step of your journey. Thank u for sharing your struggles; it deeply moves me. I admire your strength and resilience. You're a light, and Im sure you're loved more than you can imagine. U will overcome these challenging days. Sending u a big hug🫂

                  • try anyway
