AlensΞ@alense·Nov 11

should #lens based/native projects use non-lens #platforms?

@cavernaeremita.lens asked yesterday if #Lenstopia should have a #discord server.

Some #thoughts on that ... not surprisingly there are pros and cons - as pretty much always ;-)

  • #lens doesn't support community features rn
  • #discord is a very well known platform for a broad potential audience (target group)
  • discord x @guild.lens enables communities to use on-chain behaviour on discord


  • part of the discussion about the project will leave #lens -> less visibility of the project on lens. Might slow down the lens organic growth.
  • some part of the community might not appreciate the move (dislike discord, lens only, ...)

A - If you miss features on #lens you think are essential for the development of the project:
1 (ideal solution ;-)) build the features on top of lens
2 (if 1 is not realistic) consider using the platform offering the features but be aware of the downside (->cons).

B - If you address a non-lens audience as well and already have web2 visibility within your community or have a validated approach to get there, the alternative platform approach could actually become a #lens onboarding program. Nevertheless, pls consider the cons also.

C - there is always a way back - and probably should/will be if your project succeeds - but don't underestimate the lock-in cost.

Did I miss something? What's your opinion?

this post is brought to you by AlensΞ your friendly lens social media consulting.

  • fausto@59401·Nov 11

    let´s not forget that #lens content is by design interoperable with non-lens platforms and protocols.

    I agree that it would be nice to have lens-native community/group collaboration features. but I am sure they will be built on top of lens eventually.

    • Lens Chad@lenschad·Nov 11

      Im pretty much against discord, its impossible to keep track of information over discord + its a web2 service
