Attended an 8-hour leadership/management training session at work today because I'm a senior engineer.

The fact that the majority of the training was basic principles of how to not be an asshole to employees and done through silly games and poorly acted videos really speaks volumes about the state of most managerial talent.

  • bitflower@bitflowerOct 27

    I think so.

    • Jeff@cryptocitizenOct 27

      I think we should make sure the folks in web3 startups must be working for themselves.

      • Stani@staniOct 27

        So I think management/leadership training is valuable but what I read the format looked crappy. It's nice to always remind how not to be an asshole but its something that people tend to forget easily, especially for folks that haven't had expeirence in startups where need to be flexible and work as a team
