Our team, WhaleCode, specializes in producing artistic and advertising content. We are currently active in #branding, #clothing_design, #3D content creation, and even #music, all at the highest quality and with the best ideas. Lens Protocol has gathered a network of uniquely talented and experienced individuals, and WhaleCode is also striving to operate effectively within the bounds of our abilities. Check out some examples of the posts we've created. #Lenstyle 1️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x077a

#Lenshub 🔞 1️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x07eb 2️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0794

#LensFamily : 1️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x04da 2️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0566 3️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x05a2 4️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x061e 5️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0643 6️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0652 7️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x081a 8️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0829

Post by @whale_code.lens