Our team, WhaleCode, specializes in producing artistic and advertising content.
We are currently active in #branding, #clothing_design, #3D content creation, and even #music, all at the highest quality and with the best ideas.
Lens Protocol has gathered a network of uniquely talented and experienced individuals, and WhaleCode is also striving to operate effectively within the bounds of our abilities.
Check out some examples of the posts we've created.
1️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x077a

#Lenshub 🔞
1️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x07eb
2️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0794

#LensFamily :
1️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x04da
2️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0566
3️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x05a2
4️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x061e
5️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0643
6️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0652
7️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x081a
8️⃣ lensvert.xyz/p/0x0155a4-0x0829

Post by @whale_code.lens